Chapters4Change Podcast
This podcast began as a public contribution to knowledge created as an end of term project for my MA in Social Justice & Equity Studies course, SJES 5P12: The Body, Ableism, and Disability Justice. Inspired by Jessica Hum's 'Decolonizing Research Through Podcast as Storytelling', this podcast provides a platform for story-telling and story-listening which challenges listeners to consider their own biases, reimagine a more equitable education system, and push for transformative justice and change within schools.
This podcast would not have been possible without the support and careful guidance of Dr. Chelsea Temple Jones and Dr. Ebru Ustundag. Thank you for introducing me to podcast storytelling and for pushing me to take on this new challenge in order to bring a new form of storytelling to Chapters4Change!
With gratitude,
Janice Desroches (Co-founder of Chapters4Change)

Welcome to the Chapters4Change Podcast!
Welcome to the Chapters4Change podcast! This podcast was created to provide a platform for storytelling and story-listening to take place, pushing narratives toward transformative change and justice within the field of education. The podcast will share the storytelling of students, parents, educators, authors, and community changemakers as we unlearn and relearn and challenge our own biases and assumptions. We all have stories to tell, but whose stories are we really taking the time to listen to?
Access in Education with Michelle & Colette
This episode shares the storytelling of Michelle Cousins and her 14-year-old daughter Colette as they discuss Colette’s access issues within her high school in Toronto Ontario. Every school day since the start of the new school year, Michelle has been sitting in her van parked close to the school to ensure she is available to assist Colette when needed. This is their story.
Released December 3, 2022
(International Day of Persons with Disabilities)

We are calling on all Ontario residents to join us in our 'Action for Access in Education' Initiative.

Equity in Special Education with Dr. Gillian Parekh
This episode shares the storytelling of Dr. Gillian Parekh, a passionate researcher, educator, and Canada Research Chair, Inclusion, Disability, and Education (Tier 2) within York University in Toronto Ontario. Gillian is one of the co-authors of York University's 'Equity and Human Rights in Education: Critical Reflective Practice Guide' (2022). The guide challenges those working within the field of special education to take part in reflective practice to challenge bias and racism and move toward greater equity within public education.
Released March 8, 2023
(International Women's Day)
Coming Soon!