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June 2021: Adult Readers

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Layla F. Saad's 'me and white supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor' helps those of us with white privilege to dismantle racism, beginning first by looking within ourselves. The book guides readers through a 28-day process of reading and journaling where those with white privilege learn how systematic racism works, how those with white privilege aid in its continued existence, and what actions and changes one must make in order to stop contributing to white supremacy and start taking actions toward helping dismantle racism. I highly recommend using the official guided journal when going through this process. It is an excellent tool which you can go back to, read and reflect further, and add too even once the 28 days are complete. Remember, this is lifelong work.

Over six weeks spanning May 2021-June 2021, Jennifer and I participated in a Me and White Supremacy Learning Circle offered by Jill Esmonde, Faculty Developer, Centre for Teaching and Learning through Georgian College in Barrie Ontario. Each week the group would read and journal before meeting virtually to discuss. Before our last meeting, we were asked to write a commitments statement for lifelong antiracism practice. During that last meeting, Jill said something that will always stay with me: "Anti-racist work is heart work. It should be joyful and fulfilling. The joy will sustain you. Think about what you are good at, what you love to do, and what drives you."

As educators, Jennifer and I enjoy connecting with people. We enjoy creating resources that help people learn, question, challenge themselves and the views of others, grow, and ultimately act on what has been learnt. We hope Chapters 4 Change will help to educate while working toward dismantling racism, eliminating prejudice, and working toward healing and reconciliation. Read to learn and learn to act!

Janice Desroches

Co-founder, Chapters 4 Change

Watch to Discover Why Layla F. Saad wrote 'Me and White Supremacy'

Note: Layla F. Saad is currently creating a Young Readers' Edition of 'Me and White Supremacy (ages 10-14). She will be sharing the release date sometime this summer! We are very much looking forward to this for our Young Readers and will keep you posted!


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